This is discussed in more detail in the post. The beauty of this type of content is that you can legitimately promote it further than other content: Jon ( ) tweeted one of the updates to his link building strategies post; when new algorithm change updates are added, they Will tweet. This does two things: with the content to check out the latest version to see what's new and it reminds them that it exists, and for those who have never been exposed to the content before (perhaps they missed it when it was first released ), it introduces it to them. If you want it frequently.
By pushing a regular piece of content, you risk losing followers or being reported as spam, but if moible number data you update a piece of content every now and then, you can push it further to expand your outreach indefinitely (or depending on the content's update level). I recently created a piece of content that fits this category. While I'm sure that the examples of In terms of outreach: earning links, social sharing.
Ranking and final traffic. Constantly updated content Case studies No post screenshots At the end of the month I published a blog post on my blog titled Awesome networking and technology events held in Cardiff in October 2019. As mentioned in the introduction to this post, this came about after realizing that Cardiff hosts a lot of networking technology events and conferences during the month of 2020. I knew it would be useful for South Wales to compile a list in one place for networking. People interested in technical fields. When this article was first published, it contained six activity listings, but that has evolved over time.